“Zero Day Bed” is inspired by tropisms: movements that plants experiment when adapting to different environmental conditions such a rain, cold or darkness.

Zero Day Bed is more than just a chill-out bed. Zero must be understood as a multipurpose space, one that offers us protection and intimacy. It shields us from the sun and the wind and it provides us with privacy and/or a degree of security in function of our needs at a particular moment.It is enveloped by a segmented shell made out of glass or carbon fiber, which can withdraw or unfurl mechanically. The Day Bed has a 2.20m diameter with a reclining back and turns 360º to obtain the best orientation.

It is entirely made out of anodized aluminium, stainless steel, glass or carbon fiber, with an interior made of fine Italian fabrics. Zero is a space in which to relax and enjoy at any time of day or night, alone or with company.

In addition, hidden under the central area of the mattress, you will find a retroilluminated champagne bucket, which complements this elegant Daybed into its own lighting environment, excellent for indoor and outdoor locations.